Scaredy Squirrel Wiki
Nestor's Mom

Mrs. Nestor's Mother

Momma, also known as Mrs. Nestor's Mother, is a purple bird and the mother of Nestor and Lester. She is the owner of the Stash "N" Hoard. She is well known for firing people and employees. This causes her many problems and anger issues. She is voiced by Jayne Eastwood.


Momma is a short, elderly purple bird. She wears glasses like her son. She wears a purple blouse, black shoes, and a grey wig.[1][2]


Momma is very controlling and aggressive, often yelling, attacking, or firing people for the slightest transgressions. She is also shown to be sadistic, often reveling in other people's misfortunes. Momma is physically very strong, being able to tackle and overpower people much larger than her. In "Store Wars", she claims that she had her tear ducts removed and thus is unable to cry, but in "Momma Lisa Smile" she cries after breaking up with her boyfriend Garth.

Dave: "You! Totally you! Because you are one scary bird!"

Momma: "Is that right?"

Nestor: "How dare you! Momma's as gentle as-"

Dave: "A chainsaw? Rabies? Fire monkey?" - Dave revealing why the Stash "N" Hoard's sales have been down in "Momma Lisa Smile"


Momma is the mother of Nestor and Lester. She claims that Lester is her #1 son and is shown to greatly prefer him over Nestor. She frequently beats, berates, and belittles Nestor, but becomes lonely without him when he moves out of her house in "Empty Nestor Syndrome", which results in her using Scaredy as a replacement son to cope, and implying she does indeed care about Nestor despite the majority of their interactions suggesting the opposite. Momma also has a mother who appears in "Mrs. Nestor's Mother's Momma" and "Abracagrandma". Momma worries about her mother's safety and gets angry whenever she suspects someone has put Grandmama in danger. It's implied that Grandmama has never told her daughter that she loves her, as Momma acts shocked when Scaredy tells her he loves her while impersonating Grandmama.

Momma: "I'm just checking up!"
Scaredy (pretending to be Grandmama): "Okay, good, we're checked. I love you!"
Momma: *gasp* "You never said that be-"

- Momma and Scaredy on the phone in Mrs. Nestor's Mother's Momma


  • "Hmmm, firing sense is tingling!" - Who's Your Paddy?
  • "You're fired! And you're fired! Oh, you are SO fired! You can stay. Just kidding, you're fired!" - Store Trek
  • "I'll show you who the real Harsh Angel is!" - Grand Olde Grocery
  • "Nobody exploits my employees but me!" - The Dave 'N' Dave
  • "Listen up, disposable work force!" - Momma Lisa Smile


  • Several aspects of Momma's character might be allusions to the Devil, such as the curls on her wig which resemble devil horns, her throne which also has horns, and the occasional appearance of fire behind her when she's angry in episodes such as "Water Damage", "There is no "I" in Groceries", and "Store Trek".
  • She is actually shorter than Nestor.
    • She may be the shortest character in Scaredy Squirrel with the exception of the mice.
  • She only cares about Grandmama, though she does seem to care about her two sons as she does treat Lester nicely, and even though she showed the opposite toward Nestor, she was actually saddened by his moving out.
  • She is one of the few characters of the show that wears shoes.
  • She's been known to fire even objects: one episode showed her firing the store's doors after they squashed her.
    • Her obssession with firing everyone could be alluded to Eugene H Krabs of SpongeBob Squarepants, who's also been to known to threaten to fire his employees as a bribe a lot.
  • It is unknown who her husband is, but she could be divorced or widowed since she fell in love with the hermit crab Garth and dated him without trouble.
  • She's the only character to beat up Sally Fishlips.


  1. From Rodent With Love
  2. Hiccup Hicdown in Balsatown